
KEPWARE AutomationDirect Suite, код KWP-ATDRT0-PRD

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Лицензия: KEPWARE AutomationDirect Suite, код KWP-ATDRT0-PRD

С 08.02.2017 г. лицензии KEPWARE продаются с НДС!

  • Partnumber: KWP-ATDRT0-PRD
  • Наименование: AutomationDirect Suite
  • Поставка: электронная
  • Цена: с НДС
  • Сроки поставки: Поставка лицензии KEPWARE: до одной недели - ключ, до двух недель - документы.


При покупке лицензии KEPWARE приобретение годовой технической поддержки - обязательно!

Годовая техническая поддержка

Годовая техническая поддержкаID продуктаЦена, руб. (с НДС)
Обслуживание на момент покупки (20%) KWM-ATDRT0-ATT 22896
Обслуживание уже купленной версии (50%) KWM-ATDRT0-RCP 57024
Продление обслуживания (20%) KWM-ATDRT0-EXT 22896


The AutomationDirect Suite packages all of the AutomationDirect drivers for one low price. The suite contains the AutomationDirect DirectNET, AutomationDirect Productivity Series Ethernet, AutomationDirect ECOM, and AutomationDirect K Sequence drivers. After purchasing the license for the AutomationDirect Suite, you can use all of the drivers on the same PC.

Note: Current users with a valid license for any one of the drivers found in the AutomationDirect Suite may download the latest version of KEPServerEX and install all drivers listed in the suite.

What Is a Suite?

KEPServerEX is more than an OPC server—it’s a connectivity platform for industrial automation and IoT. Simply download KEPServerEX, and then select from Kepware’s library of more than 150 device drivers, client drivers, and advanced plug-ins to fit the communication requirements unique to your industrial control system.

A suite is a collection of drivers and advanced plug-ins for KEPServerEX. These products have been bundled into suites by vertical industry, device manufacturer, or industrial application for the convenience of our customers.

Additional suites can be licensed on demand as connectivity needs evolve.


Component Drivers

  • AutomationDirect DirectNET
  • AutomationDirect ECOM
  • AutomationDirect K Sequence
  • AutomationDirect Productivity Series Ethernet


KEPWARE, KEPWARE AutomationDirect Suite, код KWP-ATDRT0-PRD, p/n KWP-ATDRT0-PRD, цена 119 664 руб., ПОС-ККМ, тел. +7(499)3907767, pos-kkm.ru, info@pos-kkm.ru
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